It's amusing how you ascribe this as fact.
Where do I begin...? Let's just say incompetence & lack of knowledge is easily disseminated by the web...
So no, it's not an MTK 6 chipset. It's a Liteon series 6 drive... The dolts don't even know which chipsets are in use... By their logic, the series 3 Liteon drives would have a series 3 MTK chipset & series 5 Liteon drives a series 5 MTK chipset... The reality is that both Liteon 3 & 5 series drives employ the same MT1508E/MT1516E servo/encoder/decoder chipset...
The Liteon 6 series drives may contain MT1508E in conjunction with the MT1518E IC which includes Rohm BD7902FS driver functionallity. I heard MT1510/12 is for the new combo series drives. Confirmation is what is required. I guess I'll have to do it myself, else wait for an Xbitlabs review...
You should read an article or two on this site...
BTW both of the 6S01/6S02 FW @ the above site were modded by me from the Memorex FW released from this site a number of weeks ago (thanks guys). After passing copies to some people @ cdfreaks, they've appeared on this guy's site, complete with the OEM Memorex tags that I left from the conversion. Both files are identical except revision numbers. It's trivial to change the text strings...