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Maxtor 250GB $133 @ CompUSA, no MIR!

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Postby shimman on Fri Jun 11, 2004 3:43 am

i have used & managed many hdds seagate, fujitsu, ibm(old now owned by hitachi), samsung, maxtor,wd, hitachi(old & hitachi storage system), quantum(old now owned by maxtor), & excelstor(i bet many haven't even heard about it) except one compaq 9gb 7.2kprm scsi, ata drives, from 2gb to 250gb

currently, i like samsung & seagate.

unlike pre 1999 samsung models, they are very reliable from my experience + service is excellent. from models introduced 2002 or later, they perform very well especially with 8mb models. new 2.5" 7.2krpm 80gb models are super fast(i bet not many even heard about 2.5" samsung drives) cool & silent when running in silent mode, but even with performance mode, they are quiet; i can recommend samsung; for company i work, i recommend samsung; i use 4 ata 160gb 8mb models for my personal pc as a raid 5; up & running 24/7 for last 14 months without any problems

for seagate, 7200.7 plus does not perform as well as wd or maxtor or samsung(8mb), but sata version is fast especially with new 200gb model; 8mb retail version carries 3yr warranty; sata version is only native sata queuing supported drive on the market; seatgate claims that 37gb raptor is not faster than 200gb 7200.7 plus drive in terms of server performance

problem with wd is that the spindle servo is very noisy at least most of them; some with fdb servos (jvc) but most don't & new version with 8mb & fdb servo is called pb not jb; shows jb model's age, bit slow

maxtor seems have 3yr warranty for 120gb or larger 8mb models but when i called the;m maxtor carries 1yr for all models. i think all plus models come with fdb motors, thus, quiet
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Postby wicked1 on Fri Jun 11, 2004 5:00 am

I ordered the drive through staples with a price match online and compusa and staples were both out of stock.I did a backorder and Staples called today offering it to me at $132.91 delivered by UPS.Staples is excellent with online price matching.Now almost 1 TB of storage and cant wait for the sata adapters \:D/ I like staples policies.:)
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