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MAD DOG Resolution!

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MAD DOG Resolution!

Postby Intimidator on Sat Jul 19, 2003 4:45 pm

This is for everyone that has been affected by MAD DOG's extremely poor rebate handling. I have done some extensive investigation into this issue and here is the results.

I had a long discussion with the manager at Office Max about this issue. She stated that she had no problem contacting MAD DOG. If you buy a MAD DOG product do the following:

1) Fill out the rebate in its entirity.

2) MAKE COPIES of everything that you send in

3) If you don't get your rebate in the amount of time MAD DOG tells you then contact the MANAGER of the location from where you bought the product. (This is hard to do for online purchases)

4) Show the manager ALL of your copies for the rebate and they will get in contact with the CORPORATE office that handles the rebates for the store like Office Max.

5) The CORPORATE people will contact MAD DOG and GET your rebate, which will be sent to your home.

6) The manager stated that she has had to do this for a bunch of MAD DOG products but the consumer eventually got the rebate!

7) Any rebate you have do the same if you don't get a check in the mail.

CAVET EMPTOR: Let the buyer beware!! I would NOT support a company even though I did get my REBATE from them if they cannot have the decent business sense to follow through on this themselves.

Good Luck!!! Now let go get your REBATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby cfitz on Sun Jul 20, 2003 2:25 pm

That's good that OfficeMax is willing to go to bat for you. Unfortunately I bought my MadDog product at CompUSA, and when I asked them for thelp they told me to take a walk. "We have nothing to do with manufacturers' rebates." :(

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