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LTR 52327S QS0C Problems wiht Verbatim CD-RW 32x

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LTR 52327S QS0C Problems wiht Verbatim CD-RW 32x

Postby SPaulovic on Sat Mar 13, 2004 4:15 pm

Today I bought some of these (new) Verbatim 32x CD-RWs and wanted
to do the test I read about in this forum (burn - full erase - burn - etc.)

Disc Info:
Manufacturer = Mitsubishi Chemicals Corporation.
(Disc Size: 700 MB / 80 mins)

According to some tests I saw that these cds should work well with my
drive. But this is not the case. I tried the firmware QS0C but also QS0B.
I always have the same following result:

When I burn the CD for the first time (wiht Nero CD-DVD Speed),
there are no C2 errors on the CD. For checking C2 errors I use
the newest version of K-Probe and Nero CD-DVD Speed.

Then I erase my CD (full-erase) and burn again a test CD with Nero CD-DVD Speed.

But then after checking the errors the CDs is hardly readable,
I think the drive spins down to 2x and there are many C2 errors
about (200 per second).

I bought 5 CDs and I tried all. The problem is still the same.
Has anybody else experienced such problems with these CDs?
I have two LiteON drives but both show same errors.

In Nero CD-DVD Speed I have the following CD info:

Manufacturer : Mitsubishi
Code : 97m34s25f
Disc Type : CD-RW
Usage : General
Recording Layer : Phase Change
Recording Speed : 1 X
Capacity : 79:59.74
703 MB
Additional Capacity : n/a
Overburn Capacity : not tested

The recording speed is only indicated with 1x. But that's not possible.

Can anybody tell me what's going on with these CD's.
With 2.20 € per CD they aren't cheap at all, but the quality
is horrible.
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Postby SPaulovic on Sat Mar 13, 2004 5:36 pm

That's how it looks like in Nero CD-DVD Speed.

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Postby CDRecorder on Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:39 am

Wow, I'm really surprised that the quality is so bad. I wonder if you got a batch of defective discs?
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Postby XIII on Tue Mar 16, 2004 4:24 pm

These Verbatim 32x CDRW's work fine on my LiteOn LTR-52327S with QS0B. You might try the new QS0E57 though, which you can find here: http://www.liteonit.com/ODD/WebFW/LTR-5 ... QS0E57.zip
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Mar 16, 2004 4:50 pm

Those discs aren't good in general... but they aren't THAT bad either!

try the new firmware, and if that doesn't work, try asking for replacements, since they deffinatly sound defective!
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Postby SPaulovic on Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:02 pm

dolphinius_rex wrote:Those discs aren't good in general... but they aren't THAT bad either!

try the new firmware, and if that doesn't work, try asking for replacements, since they deffinatly sound defective!

Thanks for the advice.

I tried the new firmware and posted my experiences into another
thread. My second LTR-52327S drive seems to be defective.
After the first burn to a "fresh" CD-RW everything is alright.
But after a full-erase and a second burn the disc is not readable
at all. My first LTR-52327S does not have these problems at all.

On Friday I will change the damaged drive and hopefully
I get a good LITE-ON drive.

The advantage with these drives is that they aren't expensive
at all. If a malfunction occurs you can just change the drive
as warranty is long enough (in Germany).

PS: Where can I find the old QS0B firmware. I want to downgrade
my drive because I read that QS0B shall be definitely better.
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Postby Darth on Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:52 am

I just upgraded to QS0E and tried the Verbatmi 32x discs. The drive writes to these discs at 16x regardless of whether I choose 24x or 32x.

Anyone has the same problem? :(
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Postby SPaulovic on Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:07 am

Darth wrote:I just upgraded to QS0E and tried the Verbatmi 32x discs. The drive writes to these discs at 16x regardless of whether I choose 24x or 32x.

Anyone has the same problem? :(

I have this same problem, but I think that it is the drive, not the new

When I burn the CD for the first time the indicated speed is 32x,
but as soon as I do a full-erase it takes about 4 or more mins.
The full-erase must be 16x speed. I would try to change back to
QS0B and see if the problem remains.

With my second drive LTR-52327S QS0E I don't have this problem.
But the c2 errors have increased a lot.
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