Despite what you may think
I got some CDRs from a new manufacturer today, "32x" rated media from Multi-Play Technology. Nicely packaged these discs with a gold-coloured top. ATIP MMM&M (uh-oh, I thought to myself......)
Sure enough, they were total junk. BTC 48x makes a complete hash of them. It only sees the discs as 16x, and proceeds to make a complete mess of them -- C1 error rates AVERAGING 160..... C2 errors followed soon after
So off to the trusty LiteOn. Sees the discs as 52x. Try a write at 52x, slows down after around 40 minutes, resulting disc barely readable. C1 error rates peaking at over 700, and thousands of C2s. Not good. Similar story at 32x, 24x and 16x (remember these were supposed to be 32x discs).
These discs are going back, thinks I, as they are the worst discs I've used. Still, let's try the Artec 52x. That drive has higher C1 averages than most, so it'll be like a bomb-site lol. Well I was in for a shock.
The drive sees them as 32x media. Thing is, it'll write to them with JustSpeed switched off, at 52x, with an average error rate of only 11, maximum 40, with no slowdowns and no C2 errors. So these discs are clearly up to the job, even if they aren't particularly fantastic. Try telling that to LiteOn.
Given the other results, a highly impressive result, or an atrocious one for BTC and LiteOn depending on the way you look at it.
Moral of the story... don't buy a LiteOn thinking it'll write to a piece of toast. It won't. No one drive is perfect, and maybe this result will shut the fanboys among you up once and for all