by jackjohnson24 on Tue Dec 10, 2002 10:42 pm
I have the Lite-On LTR-52246S , and when i first got it, it was fine. It burnt at the right speed. But all of a sudden, it takes like twice aslong to burn a cd. Using nero speed, it took like 2:30 to burn a cd. Even on a simulation w/ nero it was about the same time. But now, it takes 5 min to burn a full cd, and in nero cd speed, the speed peaks at 26x, then takes a big drop to 13x every single time. I checked it device manager and it says the drive is in pio mode. Is that the problem. I tried switching to dma but nothing works, it stays at pio. I tried uninstalling the ide controller, everything. I dont know, can someone help. This sucks.