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Lite-On To Encrypt Firmware On Plextor Drives


Lite-On To Encrypt Firmware On Plextor Drives

Postby Ian on Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:33 pm

According to my sources, Lite-On will soon be AES encrypting the firmware on Plextor's 20x and 22x DVD writers. Apparently, Plextor doesn't like how you can use utilities like LtnFlash and xflash to flash a $30 Lite-On drive with a Plextor firmware and use their PlexUtilities software. I pointed out that unencrypted Plextor firmware is already out on the web, but Lite-On is moving ahead with it anyway to show Plextor that they are trying to do something about it.
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Re: Lite-On To Encrypt Firmware On Plextor Drives

Postby Dartman on Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:58 am

So Plextor is now using LiteOn drives....Damn they've certainly fallen from the giant they once were.
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