I started getting problems whith mi Lite On LTR-48125W about a week ago. I have used it for 2 months. Until now, it worked flawlessly, no read slow downs or errors when burning. But now, the drive is slowing down at every disk I put in it. It takes a lot to read an entire disk due to this slowdowns. The same disk read without problems on my creative DVD drive. I used Nero CD speed, and when the slowdowns happen, it almost always mark it as an unreadable sector, but I have to admit that sometimes the drives takes it time but is able to read the sector, eg. when coping a file to the hard drive. On the other hand, sometimes not, eg. when installing a game copy from cd. Also, it began burning coasters.
So, as I didn't know that was going on, I searched the net an found this forum. I also found that some other people are having the same problem.
That makes me think... are this drives bad manufactured?. What's going on?. How so many people with the same problem?.
Perhaps some electronic or mechanical faiulure appears in these drives after some time of use. Bad Quality Control?. That would explain good functioning when first used.
I am using windows 98, so windows xp is not the factor here. It is clearly the drives. So I think I will return it and get a Sony or Aopen drive instead. It's a pitty because the drive was working great until now.
Any comments would be aprecciated.