rdgrimes wrote:In the DAE test, they used a 74min audio CD, then couldn't seem to understand why it did't reach it's max read speed........DUH.
I'm not defending the review in general, but there is nothing wrong with testing DAE on a 74-minute disc, assuming it is a pressed disc where 74-minutes is the maximum capacity. Nor is there any problem testing a 74-minute selection burned on a 74-minute CD-R. By testing with such discs you will be able to determine the maximum DAE rate for pressed and CD-R media, respectively.
Of course, if you test a 74-minute selection burned on an 80-minute CD-R, then you will be artificially limiting the extraction rate, because the audio data won't extend all the way to the outer edge of the disc. But even this limitation wouldn't account for the 20% discrepancy noted in the review (41.5x achieved versus 52x specified). Instead, you would see something roughly an order of magnitude less (~2-3%).
Thus, it isn't fair to criticize the reviewer for using a 74-minute disc for DAE testing. That is a perfectly acceptable length CD with which to test and does not artificially distort the testing results. The discrepancy the reviewer found may be a result of a problem with the drive, a problem with the quality of the media, or a different problem with the reviewer's test methodology, but the length of the media he selected is not the source of the discrepancy.