dodecahedron wrote:dolphinius_rex wrote:Where's Aviationwiz?
[aviationwiz - no offence, i'm not equating you with that guy]
I'm here, just haven't really been watching this thread. Lite-On being screwed up is nothing new to any of us. Thier support is terrible, drives in my opinion aren't very good, but please, let's put that aside for now.
That guy LiteOn Sucks, very wierd person, just seems purely biased against Lite-On, I am not biased at all against or for Lite-On. At the time I liked Lite-On too by the way (scary thought) *aviationwiz shudders*
If this is true, then they really aren't any good, I mean, the only reason why I remotely would recomend them is because of KProbe, which they don't like.
How can you even have a dual format burner, without putting into the firmware a media list for one of the formats. Very odd stuff.