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lite-on 32123S: unreadable disks

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lite-on 32123S: unreadable disks

Postby berto81 on Fri Nov 15, 2002 3:26 pm

my lite-on 32123S makes a lot of unreadable disks.
With every cdr drive, the "broken" cds can be mounted and browsed... but trying to copy them on hd, some files results corrupted ("not present", says windows!).
With the burner, cds can be copied on hd without problems.
This problem occours burning on Windows2000, WindowsME and Linux. Either in "on-fly" copying, and burning iso and files from hd. Nero and cdrecords doesn't report errors or buffer underruns.
I tryed with diffent brands of cds, setting the burner as Master, setting it as Slave, burning 24x-capable mediums at 16x.
The drive has the latest official liteon firmware, updated without errors on windows2000.
Has someone any suggestions? :roll:

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Postby Matt on Fri Nov 15, 2002 4:32 pm

What kind of data are you burning? What file system? iso9660, joliet, udf, hybrid? What speed are you actually recording at? What is your media supposedly specified to record at? Are you closing the sessions, multi session? etc
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Postby berto81 on Fri Nov 15, 2002 8:29 pm

The fs is iso9660 with joliet1 extensions. That's Nero's default setting. I never changed it.
I think this is windows standard format, isn't correct?
Not all the disks results broken. Among the 50%.
Damaged files were mp3, avi, zip, gz, txt ... any kind of file. I can't absolutely read those files (but I can read the others and mount/browse the fs), not only to "play" them.
I also copied 1 audio cd: some tracks are unreadable. I can play them only with my old stereo.

Writing at 12x speed on 16x-capable mediums I got some defective disks.
Some also with 16x on 24x.
A lot with 32x on 40/48x-capable mediums.

I always closed the session.
I always wrote in TAO mode, as Nero (and cdrecord) default.
I remember I tryed 1 disk in DAO and it was broken, but doens't remember speed and brand I used that time.

The cd brands I used are: tdk, traxdata, yashi, verbatim.
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Postby berto81 on Fri Nov 15, 2002 8:33 pm

oh, and actually I'm not recording at all. :(
I'm planning to throw the burner away from window.
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Postby berto81 on Fri Nov 15, 2002 8:54 pm

Sorry, I made some mistakes reporting the Nero settings.

They are:

In "multisession" section:
Create disk in one unique session

In "ISO" section:
Filename lenght iso9660 level 1
Mode 1 format
Charset iso9660
"Joliet" enabled
"Allow path depth major of 8" enabled
"Allow more of 255 char. pathname" enabled

In the "Write" section:
"Write" enabled :) but "Close cd" not enabled.
"Smart Burn" enabled.

I tryed translate options names from italian . Sorry if the translation isn't perfect. :) I hope they are comprensible.
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Postby Matt on Mon Nov 18, 2002 3:55 pm

Is this all on the same media? If the results are sporatic (which tells me its not a software setting or firmware issue, which would result in more consistant results) I would try using different media. Also have you tried recording at much lower speed like 4x on this media?
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Nov 18, 2002 8:26 pm

berto81 wrote:In the "Write" section:
"Write" enabled :) but "Close cd" not enabled.
"Smart Burn" enabled.

try with "Close CD" enabled.
(are you using Nero as i suspect? if so, it's actually "Finalize CD")
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Postby berto81 on Fri Nov 22, 2002 11:24 am

thanks to everybody for your suggestions.

well, the slowest speed I tryed is 12x on 24x cds. Also with this speed I obtain some broken cds, using quite all the brands I mentioned above.
It seems the problem is more frequent burning at 32x, also with high quality (price) mediums.

I mounted the burner on a friend's pc, which has a different h/w configuration and a recent nero version (I always used the nero bundled in the cdrw box).
My motherboard has an Apollo cuv4x chipset, his mobo an intel chipset...
He uses to burn in DAO mode, joliet format, finilazyng cds.

Results: burning the same media (a unique big avi file) , it has made 2 broken cds, and had a success on the 3rd.
Then, my friend has obtained other 2 good cds.
But after, he got 2 other defectives (burning a collection of mp3s).

I think it's an hardware related problem. I will try to convince the reseller to test it with accuracy and to substitute the product. I have already tryed one time, but they said the burner worked fine on their machines.
It seems there aren't lite-on costumer care-centers in Italy, so I can only do that.

Thanks again for your help.
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Postby berto81 on Fri Nov 22, 2002 11:28 am

berto81 wrote:
Results: burning the same media (a unique big avi file) , it has made 2 broken cds, and had a success on the 3rd.

I meant "the same data".
I need an "English for dummies" manual....
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Postby HeartBurn on Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:47 pm

Berto81... Would it be possible for you to install your burner in another computer and see if the problems remain? I too have a Liteon 32123S, my very first burner and except for a few "coasters" learning how to use it, I have never had a problem with it. I have burned well over 100 disc so far. I have the latest updates installed too. I would like to point out a problem I had on one of my drives a short time ago. I had formated, ran fdisk and reinstalled Win98SE on it. I didn't run fdisk properly, ran thru it sort of fast and ended up not being able to install Nero. It told me that the .exe file was corupted. So was another program, forgot what it was now. I formatted, took my time running fdisk and reinstalled Win98SE and everything runs perfectly again. Your problem could very well be similar to what I had, maybe you need a fresh reinstall of your OS. Anyway, good luck with it.
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Postby berto81 on Fri Nov 22, 2002 7:45 pm

thanks. but I have this problem using my 3 different os, including linux, and I meet no problems (re)installing nero or cdrecord, probing the eide bus, etc.
my friend has a burner of another brand that has ever worked well on his pc. why should my burner not work also on his machine? I thinks that isn't absolutely a software issue.
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