i've been meaning to write up a short list of requests that have to do with the design of the site/forum.
lazy me, kept putting it off, and now you've gone and upgraded the forum!
so i'll put it up now and hope something gets to the next forum upgrade.
of course, i've no idea if any of these requests are at all feasable, or difficult to implement, or they are phpBB design issues that are beyond you. so please don't be flummoxed if i make an unreasonable request.
here's my comments/requests, in no particular order:
1. when clicking the
OK there is a work-around (suggested to me by Socheat, i think, a long time ago) and that is to click ctrl-N and that opens up a new one, full size with all the buttons etc.
would be nice if the
2. i ususally open the oldest topic in a particular forum that i haven't read yet, and keep clicking the View next topic on right of the bar at the top of the page to get to the next unread topic, and so on until i've gone through all the unread topics in that forum.
would be nice if there was a small button in each post that "jumps" to the top of the page, so i don't have to scroll all the way back up to the top to get to that link. i've seen something like this in other forums (example: burnatonce fourms http://www.burnatonce.com/forums/index.php this is an Invision Power Board)
alternatively, if the blue bar that contains the View previous topic and View next topic links was duplicated at the bottom of the page, that would be good too (maybe even better).
3. when i read posts in a particular forum and i'm viewing the most recent topic, and click the View next topic link, i get the Information window that says "There are no newer topics in this forum". that window has the link CDRLabs.com Forum Index to the main index page.
it would be nice and convenient IMO if this Information window had also a link to the index of the current forum index, just like appears in each topic page, e.g. CDRLabs.com Forum Index -> CD-R/CD-RW.
4. add a "Printer Friendly" button to the forum pages
(not interested in this personally, but added it because a few other members requested this feature).
5. when loading a forum index page, http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=1 for example, it first loads the images of CDRLabs and the
it would be much better for me, being on 56K dialup, if the
for me this would be a great improvement, if you can control the order in which images are loaded, and rearrange the order like i suggested.
ok i'm sure i had a few more requests but can't remember them now.
so this is it in the meantime, if i think of something else i'll update this list.
of course, anyone else who wants to add his/her suggestion is welcome, or any comments from anyone about my requests.