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LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling Technology Announces Mac OS


LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling Technology Announces Mac OS

Postby Ian on Mon Jan 10, 2005 2:04 pm

LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling Technology Announces Mac OS support

Macworld 2005 announcement points to the growing support base for the technology

Macworld San Francisco, Jan. 10, 2005 – LightScribe today announced the immediate release of Mac OS X 10.3 support for its Direct Disc Labeling technology through a software development kit that allows application developers to integrate LightScribe support into their products. Macintosh users, known for their creativity and insistence on simple and elegant technologies, will now be able to complement digital information written to disc with the professional, iridescent labeling results of LightScribe.

In a parallel announcement today, LightScribe and LaCie announced the first LightScribe-enabled DVD writer that incorporates the LightScribe technology for Macintosh computers (see companion press release "LightScribe and LaCie Partner to Offer First Direct Disc Labeling for Macintosh Computers"). Both announcements point to the growing support base for LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling technology.

LightScribe licenses Direct Disc Labeling technology to optical drive and media manufacturers, software developers, media and computer brands. With this release, software licensees that support Macintosh can add LightScribe technology capability to their Macintosh software offerings. Hardware branders can incorporate the LightScribe technology to support their Macintosh customers. These companies will now have a larger market to serve with support for both Macintosh and Windows platforms.

“Macintosh customers can now enjoy the productivity and impressive results of LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling technology,” said Kent Henscheid, marketing manager for LightScribe. “Every disc needs a label and LightScribe gives a look that many Mac users are seeking -- creative, professional, and completely unique. Embedded labeling technology on the flip side of the disc will further enhance the Mac media experience.”

LightScribe was developed to solve the problem of unprofessional, incomplete and inferior-quality labeling methods. Customers can burn the data side on a disc as normal, then flip the disc over and burn a precise, iridescent label with their desired text and graphics using the same laser that burns the data – no printer, permanent marker or adhesive labeling is required.

The LightScribe technology uses the optical drive’s existing laser to deliver precisely controlled light energy to the disc through an innovative circular writing system. Where the energy focuses on the disc, a visible chemical change occurs in the dye coating. The result is a high-resolution reproduction of artwork, text or photos.

About LightScribe

LightScribe Direct Disc Labeling offers consumers and businesses a simple, no-hassle way to burn professional-looking, silkscreen-quality labels on their CDs and DVDs. LightScribe extends standard optical media, recorders and software with an integrated system of media with special laser-sensitive coating, laser control and imaging drive modifications, and labeling software enhancements. LightScribe uses the same laser that burns data in the disc drive to create precise, iridescent labels. LightScribe technology was developed and patented by HP. LightScribe is currently being licensed by optical industry leaders in drive and media manufacturing and by media and software brands. Additional information about LightScribe is available at www.lightscribe.com.
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