Based on the LG 8520B review that I saw on this page I decided to buy it and now I'm using since 3 days ago...
(sorry my bad english, i'm from argentina)

Well, I am pretty much happy with the drive since is the QUIETEST drive ever ! and write pretty much all of the cd's I put (as oposed to my last model, the MSI 8348) and supports mount rainier, that I use regulary !
Well the problem is, that i NEED to read CDROMS as fast as I can, because I copy movies all the time and my DVD-reader reads only at 24x.
Also, a LOT of cd's only writes on 32x, since I heard that the new firmware correts this problems I decided to give it a try.
But when I run the Firmware update (8520B) Executable, I run into a screen that says "CDROM Model doesn't match !"
and the update button is greyed out !
So I CAN'T flash it, i tried the MKTFLASH but it keeps telling me "Cannot erase FLASH"
So, I'm pretty much stuck, it seems that my model (since it is an OEM one) does not want to be recognized as an LG (but the unit is an LG)
the ID of the device in windows is HL-DT-ST GDC 8520B
so it seems this is an OEM model but, why LG does not want me to update it ? this in an LG drive, right?
Help will be greatly appreciated.