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Leadtek Deluxe TV2000XP troubles. Help!

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Leadtek Deluxe TV2000XP troubles. Help!

Postby Boba_Fett on Tue May 25, 2004 7:03 pm

Ok, I finally decided to get me a TV tuner to convert my slowly degrading VHS tapes to a digital file. Well, after spending a hour trying to get the very awkward pci card in my case, I fired it up and hooked up my VCR. Well, the software installed just fine but when I tried to do some recording things got weird. I first tried to use the Divx 5.11 codec, and when I looked at the output of what I recorded, I saw that the video had a ton of artifacts (something you usually see like when you overclock your videocard way too high) and the framerate was very unbalanced. I took some snapshots of the artifacting I was getting. Also, when I try using a Xvid codec, the artifacts remain, but the slowdown goes away (when ever I stop recording with the xvid codec, the damn PVR program freezes too). Suprisingly, when I use the MPEG1 codec, everything is perfect. I'm at a complete loss here. If anyone has any tips or pointers, I'd be greatly appreciated. Oh, here's some of the hardware I'm running on:

Athlon XP 2500+ 512k L2 cache @ 2350mhz
Radeon 9800 PRO 128mb (not overclocked)
1gb PC3200 DDR
Abit nForce2 NF7-S v2.0

Some pics of the artifacting:

pic 1
pic 2
pic 3
pic 4
eVGA NF4 SLI mobo
Opteron 165 Dual Core 1MB cache @ 2.5ghz
2GB Mushkin DDR PC4000
2x160GB & 1x250GB 7,200RPM SATA w/NCQ
eVGA Geforce 7900 GTO 512MB PCI-e
Pioneer 111D 16x DVD burner
Onboard Sound :(
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Postby hammad on Tue May 25, 2004 10:02 pm

your system is very fast,i had captured decent video with divx using a dinosaur age celeron 400mhz with intel 810 chipset with Prolink bt878 chipset tv card ,most important thing keep your tv window size down to 640*480 size instead of 1024*768.

Second check the setup of divx which includes setting for home theatre,standard and portable devices which includes plenty of bitrate setting and resolutions from 352*288 to 720*576 and frame rate, thats very important for smooth playback of captured video.[/img]
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Postby Boba_Fett on Wed May 26, 2004 11:01 am

hammad wrote:your system is very fast,i had captured decent video with divx using a dinosaur age celeron 400mhz with intel 810 chipset with Prolink bt878 chipset tv card ,most important thing keep your tv window size down to 640*480 size instead of 1024*768.

Second check the setup of divx which includes setting for home theatre,standard and portable devices which includes plenty of bitrate setting and resolutions from 352*288 to 720*576 and frame rate, thats very important for smooth playback of captured video

My tv window is less than 640x480 I think. I also checked the divx settings and it was set at home theater. I did run a few more tests though. I now can confirm that capturing in MPEG2 (DVD) @ 640x480 works like a dream (although it isn't really practical as one minute ends up being like 40mb). Its weird, both MPEG1 and 2 work perfectly (they came standard with the software), but the xvid and divx I added work horribly. I wonder if I'm missing something...
eVGA NF4 SLI mobo
Opteron 165 Dual Core 1MB cache @ 2.5ghz
2GB Mushkin DDR PC4000
2x160GB & 1x250GB 7,200RPM SATA w/NCQ
eVGA Geforce 7900 GTO 512MB PCI-e
Pioneer 111D 16x DVD burner
Onboard Sound :(
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