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KProbe and LTR-52327S

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KProbe and LTR-52327S

Postby CDRecorder on Sat Sep 06, 2003 5:56 am

I noticed that when I run a KProbe scan on a disc in my LTR-52327S (QS09), I get far higher error rates than I do when I run a KProbe scan on my LTR-48125W (VS0D).

Here is an example (all scans using the same CMC CD-R disc):

Scan at 52x on 52327S:
C1 Max= 209, Total= 125562, Average=29.092
C2 Max= 1, Total= 3, Average= 0.001

Scan at 40x on 52327S:
C1 Max= 242, Total= 87718, Average= 19.545
C2 Max= 2, Total= 4, Average= 0.001

Scan at 40x on 48125W:
C1 Max= 16, Total=4757, Average= 1.286
C2 Max= 0, Total= 0, Average= 0.000

Is anyone else seeing this unusual behavior?
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Postby TheWizard on Sat Sep 06, 2003 7:26 am

Which burner was the disc burned on?
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Postby MSX on Sat Sep 06, 2003 10:11 am

The review here found the same result if you check it, only it used LTR-52246S as comparison.
Last edited by MSX on Sat Sep 06, 2003 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby rdgrimes on Sat Sep 06, 2003 10:22 am

What you have there is a fairly marginal quality disc. It's not unusual to see varrying results on such a disc. Every drive has a preferance for what it likes to read. Scanning at 40x or even 32x (as opposed to max) is one way to eliminate some of the idiosyncracies of the reading drive.
The 7S does report higher error rates than other drives from LiteOn.
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Postby CDRecorder on Sat Sep 06, 2003 3:18 pm

Ah, very interesting! I think that disc was burned on an AOpen CRW5224, and it's not unlikely that it was marginal quality disc.

I tried scanning a TDK (Ritek) 40x disc (burned at 52x on LTR-52327S) at 40x on the LTR-52327S, and I got these results:

C1 Max= 13, Total= 5081, Avg= 1.017
C2 Max= 0, Total= 5081, Avg= 0.000

Then I scanned it at 40x on my LTR-48125W and I got these results:
C1 Max= 19, Total= 6004, Avg= 1.461
C2 Max= 0, Total= 5081, Avg= 0.000

I guess that some marginal discs must not be able to be read as well in the 52327S. Thank you all for your help! :D

Edit: I said that it was a Philips 48x disc that I tested, it was actually a TDK (Ritek) 40x disc. :oops:
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