by smartin4 on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am
Not sure of any specialty programs that will do this, but you could use M$ Excel (if it is available to you). Just make a spreadsheet. Another option, though a little more involved, is to make a database using M$ Access. You can specify how you want it set up and you would also able to search it via many different methods. Again this is just an option, dependant on whether you have access (no pun intended) to M$ Office.
I am actually going to do this myself (Access), if I can find the time, as I have alot of burned cds with alot of stuff on them. There just isn't enough space on the cd to label it with everything that is on it. It may take a while to put the info into the database, but once it is done, it will be very easy to maintain.