Just received a postcard saying that the Belkin MIR I submitted was rejected. It was a $2 MIR for a Belkin canned air-spray, similar to the one posted by the OP. It says I did not include the original UPC.
What a load of BS! They are so cheap they don't want to pay a measly $2 MIR. It was one of the FAR deals from Officemax.
It was a direct rebate from Belkin and on the rejection postcard, it says if I want to re-submit it, I can track it on
www.rebateshq.com. This site didn't process the original rebate to begin with and doesn't have this rebate listed. What a wimpy diversion!
They want me to use up another 37 cent stamp for this $2 rebate they are going to never send? Since I sent in the original UPC, they are going to reject it again if I send in a UPC copy anyway.
It's only a $2 rebate, not a big deal, but what botehrs me is that Belkin is really CHEAP and makes false advertisement.
In my many years of rebate submissions, this is the first time I got a rebate rejection, especially with such a lame excuse and on such a small value item.