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JCVD Trailer

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JCVD Trailer

Postby Ian on Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:42 am

I used to be a big Van Damme fan back in the day but for the last decade or so, his movies have kinda sucked. This one though looks really good. Oddly enough, he plays himself in it.

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Re: JCVD Trailer

Postby article.noun on Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:18 pm

JCVD is awesome. I saw it in Toronto and I was dragged into the theater. I loved Universal Soldier but come on.

JCVD is awesome. No joke. I was totally blown away by the film and by Van Damme's acting.

I have taken the liberty of adding the official website to this reply.


You can look on the site for a calendar of when the film will be playing where.
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Re: JCVD Trailer

Postby Ian on Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:08 pm

Damn, its not showing around here yet. I guess I'll have to wait until Nov 7th.
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