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An Introduction to DVDScan v0.04 for LiteOn drives

General discussion about recordable CD, DVD and BD media and write quality testing.

Re: An Introduction to DVDScan v0.04 for LiteOn drives

Postby Ian on Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:19 pm

DrageMester wrote:So for me the TE/FE testing is simply not worth the time anymore. I burn the disc at 8x (or sometimes 6x/12 depending on burner and media), verify the content is readable at maximum speed, and perform a high-speed or quick-scan to get an idea of PIE/PIF/Jitter levels. This is enough most of the time.

Me too. It varies too much from disc to disc and drive to drive. I really don't have the time to test every disc ahead of time. I'd rather just set the burn speed at 8x and not think about it.
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