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InCD 4.3: What are the differences between the UDF versions?

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InCD 4.3: What are the differences between the UDF versions?

Postby fanbanlo on Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:17 pm

Under the advanced option, there are:

UDF 1.50 (recommanded)
UDF 2.00
UDF 2.01
UDF 2.50

Is the higher version number the better?
Why is 1.50 versoin recommanded?
What are the differences between them?
If my other computer has the lastest InCD 4 Reader installed, does it mean it will support all UDF versions?

I googled around and searched the forum and have not found anything useful.

Buffer Underrun
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Postby tazdevl on Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:17 am


Googled, took 2 seconds. Put in "UDF ISO"

Might suggest reading instructions on how to search in google?
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Postby agomes on Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:18 am

You can also have a look at:


...and see the answer you have got there to your post on the same subject =D>
Buffer Underrun
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Postby fanbanlo on Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:41 pm

I would like to read/learn more about the benefits of having the followings:

- Stream Files
- Access Control Lists
- Power Calibration
- Real Time Files
- Metadata Partition

featured in 2.00 and above. Where can I read about them? I skimmed through the spec at http://www.osta.org/specs/index.htm, but it doesn't explain how they work, just how to implement. I'm interested in what sort of benefits the features in newer versions offer from the end-user POV.

I believe some of the features need Hardware support? My LG 4120B can't do any MRW and DRT-DM (reported by InCD). Does that mean I won't benifit from the newer UDF versions?

DVD+RW is better than DVD-RW for packet-writing because of some sort of error correction built-in, is this true?

Thanks! [-o<
Buffer Underrun
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Postby fanbanlo on Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:31 am

I found UDF 2.50 not as repsonsive as 1.50 with InCD. Anyone else feel the same?
Buffer Underrun
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Postby fanbanlo on Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:21 pm

Dear valued Customer,

thank you for your email.

No that has nothing to do with "better" or "worser".
It is just another filesystem.
Unfortunately we do not provide any documents about the UDF-standards at the moment, sorry.

Best regards

Sebastian Sonn

Technical Support

Ahead Software AG
Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad
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Postby paulrussell on Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:58 pm

Which format would be most compatable with Roxio's Drag2Disk?
Paul Russell
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Postby dburg on Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:25 pm

Roxio's Drag2Disc does not support UDF 2.50, so you have to exclude this one if you want to exchange discs with Drag2Disk. Also, latest Drag2Disc version introduces a priorietary way of writing "UDF" (strictly reading the spec, the newest D2D discs are not UDF discs) which InCD will support in its next (free) web update.

Absence of DRT-DM does not limit the UDF selection range. Absence of MRW, except for DVD-RAM, means no hardware defect management, so only UDF 1.50 or higher is possible (not UDF 1.02). As explained in the links given in this thread, UDF 1.50 is the first UDF revision to allow software defect management.

The InCD defaults and UDF revision recommendations are based on specifications from the various media types supported by InCD. For instance we recommend UDF 1.02 for MRW according to the MRW spec, or UDF 2.00 for DVD-RW according to the -RW spec.

DVD+RW has hardware-level defect management only with MRW. Some DVD-RW recorders, such as Pioneer devices, have DRT-DM support, which is an hardware and software collaboration for defect management. So it is difficult to say if + or - is 'superior' for packet-writing. Well, DVD-RAM has built-in defect management, always, so take DVD-RAM ;)
David Burg
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