There is a lot of misinformation posted in forums by people who pass themselves as a reliable source. Many of the statements posted are just off-the-wall opinions by someone who wasn't competent to troubleshoot a problem. This "InCD is incompatible with VIA chipsets" theory is total nonsense. If nobody challenges this statement on that forum it doesn't speak very well of the forum.
I've personally used VIA chipsets with InCD and virtually every other packet writing software on the market. VIA chipsets have a huge share of the world market. This newly made "discovery of incompatibility" is preposterous, particulary so since the poster is apparently the only one aware of this problem.

It is amusing that the originator of this misinformation stated:
i'm open to any informed or experienced suggestions.
This request for help seems to me to be an admission of uncertainty regarding the "VIA/InCD incompatibility". A reader is disturbed by doubt and repeats the dumb story on another forum with the "I've heard rumors" opening.
This is indeed how rumors are started, and usually the more preposterous the story the easier it is swallowed and the faster it travels over the Web.