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InCD 4.xx and PlexWriter PX-W2410A

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InCD 4.xx and PlexWriter PX-W2410A

Postby RMerlin on Sat Jul 26, 2003 5:16 pm

Any luck with the PlexWriter 24/10/40 and InCD 4.xx? I tried different InCD 4.xx versions, with no luck. WHenever I try formatting a disc I instantly get an error message:

"Error writing the disc in H:\. Please confirm that the disc is compatible with the drive and is not scratched or damaged"

Which, of course, isn't the case. Tried two different medias that are known to be fine, one of them was even used without issue with 3.xx before. Did a full erase through Nero before hand, same result.

Plextor's firmware is 1.04. Works fine with InCD 3.xx, as well as with Nero 5.5.

Is it a known compatibility issue (which would be surprising, considering Plextor are usually very good in this area) with this specific model?

Thanks in advance.
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Postby tazdevl on Sat Jul 26, 2003 6:20 pm

You're using a CDRW not a CDR correct?
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Postby RMerlin on Sat Jul 26, 2003 10:26 pm

tazdevl wrote:You're using a CDRW not a CDR correct?

That's indeed a CD-RW media.
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Postby dburg on Sun Jul 27, 2003 5:44 pm

Did you try InCD during your tests, or ?
David Burg
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Postby RMerlin on Sun Jul 27, 2003 9:45 pm

dburg wrote:Did you try InCD during your tests, or ?

Last tried was, but I tried two previous 4.xx versions before that (can't remember the exact version numbers).
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Postby dburg on Mon Jul 28, 2003 2:40 pm

With, can you provide the log files generated by InCD when this error occurs? (Log files location are explained in the FAQ which is present in the installation folder of InCD)
David Burg
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Postby RMerlin on Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:49 pm

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Postby dburg on Tue Jul 29, 2003 7:13 am

"Media is a CD-R. Please check that profile reported by recorder is correct and that read disc information does not returnerasable bit by error."

Ohoh, some problem with profile reporting? Looks like I will need to put my hand on this device. :x

"Error setting Write Parameters code page.(EDeviceAddError os=0h host=0h tgt=0h 00/00/00h @ ID=0_0_0_1 'PLEXTOR CD-R PX-W2410A')"

Hum, this one I don't see why the recorder should reject it... (And we have a typo in InCD, it's mode page, not code page...)
David Burg
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Postby RMerlin on Tue Jul 29, 2003 3:41 pm

Some additional info I forgot to mention: Operating System is Windows XP SP1. Motherboard IDE controler to which the CD-Writer is connected is Intel's ICH4 (this is an Asus P4PE), using Microsoft's drivers (had nothing but headaches with Intel's AA drivers).

System ASPI layer is Adaptec's 4.60 ASPI (I heard that newer versions were unreliable under XP - is that true?). However Nero InfoTool properly reports that Nero's own ASPI is properly installed, version dating from June 2003.

Software that might (?) be causing conflicts (I wanted more feedback on wether this 24/10/40 was working ok from other people before going through the trouble of uninstalling/reinstalling these for further troubleshooting) are Alcohol 120% and Backup MyPC 4.85 (former Backup Exec desktop - this one does insert a driver on the CD WRiter, drvmcdb.sys 3.21.46a).
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Postby rbmorse on Tue Jul 29, 2003 6:58 pm

For what it's worth, I'm using a 24/10/40a under XP-SP-1 with Nero 5 and 6. Works fine, with the exception of the teething problems with Nero 6 as noted elsewhere.

I have the unit wired as master on the IDE Secondary.
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Postby RMerlin on Tue Jul 29, 2003 7:21 pm

rbmorse wrote:For what it's worth, I'm using a 24/10/40a under XP-SP-1 with Nero 5 and 6. Works fine, with the exception of the teething problems with Nero 6 as noted elsewhere.

I have the unit wired as master on the IDE Secondary.

But what about InCD 4?
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Postby dburg on Wed Jul 30, 2003 11:27 am

Well, I've just (full) formatted 2 medias with PX-W2410A fw 1.04 and InCD under Windows XP (no SP) with IMAPI enable on this device and got no problem. My medias was Philips HighSpeed (8x-10x) CD-RW 80 Min and Verbatim HighSpeed (4x-12x) CD-RW 80 Min.

I've also checked the current profile reported and it is well CD-RW, I do not observe the problem you have.

Edit: As well as for setting write parameters, the command succeed here. Hum. Do you still have a valid guarantee on this old device? :-? Probably not :-(
David Burg
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Postby RMerlin on Mon Aug 18, 2003 12:16 am

Sorry for the delay in replying.

I just successfully formatted a first disc with InCD4. I was skeptical about a hardware issue since everything else works fine with this drive so I dived into the installed softwares. Looks like uninstalling Alcohol 120% did the trick. Must be incompatibility between both (odd that it would affect InCD but not Nero itself).

Next thing to try I guess is installing the latest Alcohol trial to see if the problem is fixed (my trial time is expired but it should allow me to install it at least to see if InCD still works). I'll keep you posted on how it works out, this problem could have been fixed since the older trial I had installed.


Just installed Alcohol 120% trial and rebooted. I'm still able to format with InCD4, so I guess this is an issue that got fixed in a recent Alcohol update. However using the "InCD Erase" Explorer menu seems unreliable. First time I tried it I got an error after InCD stalled for 30-45 secs (no activity on the drive). Second time it succeeded in doing a quick erase. However I just noticed these events in my Event Viewer:

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: PlugPlayManager
Event Category: None
Event ID: 257
Date: 18/08/2003
Time: 12:25:20 AM
User: N/A
Timed out sending notification of target device change to window of "InCD_GUI_MAINFRAME__1A6E0D67_3515_471D_8D7D_C8E76EC0DA2A"

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

I guess Alcohol and InCD4 don't like each other.

I'll try again later this week after uninstalling Alcohol to confirm that everything is really 100% when it isn't installed. But so far the problem seems to be with Alcohol 120%.
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