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Postby ro345 on Thu Aug 05, 2004 4:48 pm

Hello, I have some questions regarding DRT-DM and Nero INCD. I have a project where I will need to write files on a daily basis to DVD media. I plan to have 7 different disks and overwrite them once a week. I'd like to use DVD-RW media for this. What I have read about DRT-DM seems to indicate that it would be very helpful for this project. DRT-DM extends media life and also catches errors on the media.

I have DVR-107 burner (not 107XL). I cant seem to find anything that says this drive actually supports drt-dm. The A06 seems to and the 107XL seems to, but can someone confirm that this drive does?

Release notes in INCD seem to indicate DRT-DM support. How good is this support in reality? Will it make a difference?

I've burned a few test disks. I dont see any options to "activate" DRT-DM. Also, when I format the disk which filesystem should I use? What are the differences between the different versions of UDF? Which would be best for defect management? EasyCD Reader doesn't seem to recognize media formatted in UDF 2.5, is it a fault on my side or is it just not supported?

Thanks in advance.
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Postby dburg on Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:21 am

InCD 4 will always use DRT-DM when it is available. As the feature do not slow down write nor read but increase the security of the data, it is always used.

With InCD 4.3, you can additionnally activate a write verify. With DRT-DM devices, this will use the enhanced verification capabilities from DRT-DM (mmc verify command). With legacy devices, it will do read and compare operation (slower, more CPU, and requires temporary storage of written data for later comparison).

With InCD 4.3 you can also see if the device is recognized as supporting DRT-DM by looking at the InCD tab in the device properties.

The DVD Forum which defines DVD-RW specification recommends UDF 2.00. There are indeed differences in the defect management but also defect prevention mechanisms from the different UDF revisions. Basically, UDF 1.02 has no defect management, UDF 1.5 introduce defect management as thought for (legacy) CD-RW, and UDF 2.50 introduce new logic of centralization of FS information in a metadata partition with imaging of this metadata partition (sorry for been technical). As usual, newest is better. That is the UDF authors have attempted to do better and better and UDF 2.50 is the latest ideas they had.

Indeed EasyWrite Reader did not offer UDF 2.50 read-back on Windows 2k and higher. This is now resolved with InCD Reader which offers read-back of any UDF revision written by InCD (and more).
David Burg
Software Development, InCD Project Manager

Nero AG - Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad - Germany

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299 http://www.nero.com
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