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How to upgrade ASPI Layer ?

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How to upgrade ASPI Layer ?

Postby overfloe on Wed Dec 31, 1969 11:29 pm

Both of my dvd & cd-rw drives are unable to read cd-r media & low quality discs. I found out that one of the aspi file is missing: ASPIENUM.VXD as reported by aspichk.exe. I tried to upgrade the aspi layer using adaptec's latest aspi layer proggie (aspi32.exe), but it didn't work. I also tried to reinstall HP DLA & RecordNow but still no luck.

It's not a hardware problem because the discs are readable under WinXP.

any ideas?

Win98se/WinXP dual bootie
Lite-On LTD-163
HP 9100i
HP RecordNow
Buffer Underrun
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