by Kennyshin on Sun Jan 19, 2003 9:52 am
Some days ago, I bought
10 x BeAll DVD-R (1x rated)
10 x Melody DVD-R (1x rated)
that were all recordable at 2x.
I bought them as sample disks before buying myself and recommending to other users in South Korea. We often buy together from a specific supplier. Like in units of 1,000, 10,000, 50,000, and so on.
11 units of NEC 4x DVD+R writers (of these two are mine and all paid in cash long ago) should have arrived in Seoul two days but the guy to Tokyo seems to have more meetings with Fuji TV so he will be back on Wednesday instead. I have asked to import 10,000 DVD+R and 10,000 DVD+R from another local supplier as an initial shipment. They have been too unsure of the market response regarding the Plus standard. If successful, this will be the first mass market entry of DVD+R and DVD+RW in South Korea. 2x-writable DVD-R price has dropped from $10 to $1 here during the past several months and will soon be under $1.
Obviously, even the US resellers like take much more profits (per unit) from DVD+R and DVD+RW than DVD-R and DVD-RW. Compare these numbers:
Princo 1-2x DVD-R: $0.5x (OEM) -> $0.5x (Retail at
Ritek 1-2x DVD-R: $0.7x (OEM) -> $0.7x (Retail)
Ritek 2.4x DVD+R: $1.1 (OEM) -> $1.5x (Retail)
Ritek 2.4x DVD+RW: $1.6x (OEM) -> $2.x (Retail)
Ritek 4x DVD-R: $1.3 (OEM) -> $1.8 (Retail)