rjw, from CDRInfo.com forum wrote:Material used
Hardware used
Plextor 24/10/40A (1.04)
Yamaha CRW-F1(1.0D)
Lite On 48125W (VS08)
CDA3000 (2x)
Additional Software used
NERO ( for burning)
Results(analyzer scores)
Media was burned at rated speed. With the Lite On Except for DDD since the disc’s didn’t have a speed rating befor we burned the disc’s . After the test we read on the site that it was only 32x media.
For Plextor drive we used 24x and for the Yamaha we had OWSC.
Double Diamond Digital (AOD atip Plasmon)32x
Yamaha CRW-F1 -96
Lite On (burned on 48x) -96
Plextor -97
Average -96.33
Mitsubishi Azo 48x (Singapore)
Yamaha CRW-F1 -93
Lite On -96
Plextor -94
Average -94.33
Plextor (TY) 48x
Yamaha CRW-F1 -95
Lite On -94
Plextor -92
Average -93.66
Enovation Media OPTIMUM BRAND (CMC Magnetics) (A grade) –32x
Yamaha CRW-F1(1.0D) - 93
Lite On 48245W (VS08) - 93
Plextor 2410A (1.04) - 94
Average - 93.33
Sunstar (CMC Magnetics) 32x
Yamaha CRW-F1 OWSC - 80
Lite On - 88
Plextor - 88
Average - 85.33
Sony (Sony corp) 32x
Yamaha CRW-F1 OWSC -84
Lite On -81
Plextor -89
Average -84.66
Imation 32x (CMC Magnetics)
Yamaha CRW-F1 - 0
Lite On -87
Plextor -87
Average -58
Enovation Media disc with DST atip code which has been removed from the shelves.
Burned with the Plextor on 12x - 0
Retries on 8 speed and 24 speed still say 0
Back checking our results.
Using WSES
WSES doesn't seem to count all errors. (C1 and C2) and at this point we are still researching to see what it does count. Now one good thing can be said while it doesn't count all errors the really bad disc's can not slip trough Easily.
We had some very weird results with NERO CD SPEED and different readers. We have seen the DST disc passing NERO’s test with (almost) zero errors and a low speed or almost zero errors and 40x. While the disc’s are bad. NERO CD SPEED uses C2 recognition but it seems that quite a lot of drives are not accurate enough. With other words NERO CD SPEED’s quality test are not that good. The claim zero errors on CD SPEED isn’t a very good one.
Second Analyzer and measurements additional times to test about reproduction.
All disc's were measured at least 4 times with the first analyzer from a source which doesn’t want to be named.
Some disc's where also checked with a second analyzer(same model) from PC-ACTIVE at the HCC fair.
What we experienced was the following sometimes. Disc's got one point higher of lower now looking through the tables of errors we found out that this was manly based on E31/E11 errors. These results can happen on the same analyzer. Now significant difference was there in results with the second analyzer.
Comparing with the results of the Dutch Magazine PC Consument.
The Dutch Magazine PC Consument tested the following brands the following way.They used a CDA 3000 analyzer and the following 2 drives. Lite On 48125W and a Plextor 40/12/40A. Now they tested 3 batches of 1 disc for each burner.
Now here are there scores for the same disc's as we used. (They tested more disc's and also CD-RW's but these CD-RW's results weren't based on a couple of rewritings. If people want more results from this test then let me know. )
Double Diamond Digital -93,8
Sony -87,2
Imation -79,2
These were exactly the same brands and types as our disc's.
So again Sony and Imation fail and DDD is getting very good results.
CMC Media Agreement.
Now to come back on the thing that caused us the problems of doing the tests.
The Media Dolphinius Rex supplied Enovation Media Optimal Brand (CMC Magnetics) seems to be okay. If it is really cheap media then it would even get a big reccomendation by a lot of sources which I have worked together with.
Still I don’t now about aging quality but then again the best thing against aging seems to be Writing Quality of a disc. In other words disc with low errors aren’t going as fast down as the others. But ofcourse this summers there will be a second outside tests with the tested disc’s.
Conclusions not to be made.I am not going to say anything about media support of the tested media for the used burners. Since we only used one disc one each burner . It might happen that one disc is a little bit better then the other 2. So it is not correct to say that the Yamaha can not write Imation disc's or that The Lite On burns Mitsubishi AZO disc's better as the other 2 or Plextor disc's work better on other burners as Plextor own burners.
Our conclusions:
1 Lite On burners can burn on AZO disc's without problems. Looking at the score it indicates that is possible to write a good disc with a Lite On burner. Now we might be lucky but checking the scores from different sources show the same results.
2 CMC can make decent disc's according to above the 90 points test of the CDA3000.
3 Nero CD SPEED claims about zero errors or low errors says nothing about disc quality. Since the software is to much based on how good it can communicate with your reader and to much on the accuracy of the reader.
4 Bad disc's below the 90 points came from: SONY, Imation,Sunstar.
5 ATIP and Brand doesn't have to say anything about factory or quality. Our winner Double Diamond Digital uses Plasmon stampers and these have the ATIP of Plasmon. While in fact these disc's are made by AOD itself at there own factory in Vianen in the Netherlands. Also the results of CMC Media show that quality and factory/ATIP are not the same thing.
6 Buying from the factory itself does seem to give a better quality/price ratting. 2 of the good disc's came directly from the factory and are cheap compared to the other media.
7 For people in Holland you can order DDD disc's at
www.doublediamonddigital.comNow the big question is how to I post pictures.Since you want to see some of the printouts coming from the analyzer.
With the info about Bler/C1/C2 errors which where measured and the mapping of the BLER on the disc’s