by CowboySlim on Fri Sep 05, 2003 12:09 am
Well, cfitz, I'm surprised also that nobody else has risen to the bait earlier. However, that is not without benefit as we now see from the above another avenue in addition to those that I had in mind originally. For those who think that there school years are behind them, GO BACK TO SCHOOL!
Men: sign up for classes that are popular with the ladies, arts? music? office administration? foreign language?
Ladies: do the opposite, computer stuff?
Now for my original advice:
For the ladies, as heard on a radio call in talk show hosted by a lady for women came this. Find your local electronics swap meet. The example given on the radio was the monthly(?) ham radio swap meet in El Segundo, CA, but anything like that should do. The caller said that she didn't have to know anything about electronics or radios, the sellers and browsers were only too happy to explain. She went on to say that although the men were real geeks, the made great, solid husband material. They all had good, well paying jobs, they didn't hang out in beer bars and were not big drinkers and they were not latent wife beaters. They make good, solid, economically responsible mates (although perhaps not the best looking and probably somewhat boring guys).
For the men, I know it works, although I haven't met women this way (because I was with my wife walking our dogs around the park when I made these observations). Yes, that's it! Check out the local parks in your area (redundancy, I know) to see where the ladies go to walk around on Sunday afternoons (or late mornings). Then get a dog - little, cute, friendly, cudddly, no too hyper and non-threatening is a must. Mine are Boston Terriers (very good) and I think that Pugs go over well, also. Just walk the dog around and you won't believe how the girls that will stop and admire the dogs - then just take it from there. If you don't have a dog? Go to a pet store and ask to take one for a test walk. They probably will think that you are screwy so prepare to offer them a multi-hundred dollar deposit (these dogs retail for that much and the breeders do not offer the mail in rebates that we have come to know and love) and maybe $10 rental fee.
Well, Buckaroos, GOOD LUCK!
Number of burners bought in 2003: 3