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In House Review - Sony BDX-S600U Portable 6x BD Writer


In House Review - Sony BDX-S600U Portable 6x BD Writer

Postby Ian on Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:34 pm

CDRLabs has taken an in depth look at Sony's new portable 6x Blu-ray Disc writer, the BDX-S600U. This sleek and lightweight drive is capable of 6x BD-R, 6x BD-R DL and 2x BD-RE writing speeds and a maximum BD-ROM read speed of 6x. On top of that, it offers support for 3 and 4-layer BDXL media, which can hold up to 128GB of data on a single disc. The BDX-S600U is also designed to be powered completely off a computer's USB bus and includes features like a 6MB buffer, Power-Burn buffer underrun protection and CyberLink's Media Suite 8.

Sony BDX-S600U Portable 6x Blu-ray Disc Writer
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Re: In House Review - Sony BDX-S600U Portable 6x BD Writer

Postby Ian on Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:43 pm

A few things to note about this review:

- KProbe has been dropped from our writing quality tests as well as the BenQ DW1640. To keep things simple, testing will be done with a Lite-On drive and CD Speed.

- We will no longer be doing any writing tests with DVD-R DL media. The format never really took off and its too hard to find 8x DVD-R DL media in the US.

This is probably the last review where CD Winbench is used. As useful as the benchmark is/was, it only supports CDs. I'm still debating whether or not to continue doing packet writing tests, especially those with DVD-RAM media. Like DVD-R DL, DVD-RAM is pretty much dead IMO.
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