Ian wrote:I watched The Host last night. I must have missed something at the end, but what happened to the little girl? Did she die?
dolphinius_rex wrote:OoAnd1 wrote:I'd like to see them bring the new "Serenity" Special Edition out on HD-DVD as well.
And I also can't wait to see the Spider-Man movies in HD. Hopefully they do it right and give it that 3-D feel to it.
I don't know if a second release of Serenity is likely so soon on HD DVD, but maybe? But I'm sure that whatever happens, when Sony puts Spiderman out on Blu-Ray, it's going to be one of the very best looking transfers on the market, akin to Pirates of the Caribbean from Disney
Morpheus wrote:Why? That's good news for me. I love Planet Terror and totally despised Death Proof. I was hoping when Grindhouse was to be released on DVD that they will have the 2 movies individually. I still wanted ALL of the fake trailers AND the missing reels from Planet Terror. I take it they're alot of people out who feel the same.
SithTracy wrote:I loved the Evil Dead and Army of Darkness movies... There have been rumors that there was one more in the works... Hope that one day is true.
dolphinius_rex wrote:Yeah... I'd love to pickup Army of Darkness in HiDef. But it's not worth investing in a new format.
Grain wrote:dolphinius_rex wrote:Yeah... I'd love to pickup Army of Darkness in HiDef. But it's not worth investing in a new format.
I have the R3 Hong Kong MGM DVD release of Army of Darkness. While I don't yet have the HD-DVD to compare it too, I suspect it's ultimately a better version. Here's the spec's http://www.dvdcompare.net/comparisons/film.php?fid=1398#overall
SithTracy wrote:Have VHS copies of the Evil Dead 1 & 2... Never picked those up on DVD... wish I did.
Grain wrote:If it means getting a Star Trek phaser remote, I might just have to buy this set!
Wesociety wrote:Grain wrote:If it means getting a Star Trek phaser remote, I might just have to buy this set!
It says you have to buy a Toshiba HD DVD player + the Star Trek Series 1 HD DVD release to qualify for the phaser remote. Are you willing to drop some $$$'s for a new player?
Grain wrote:Anyone else looking forward to Transformers on HD-DVD next week? I missed it in the theatres .
Grain wrote:Anyone else looking forward to Transformers on HD-DVD next week? I missed it in the theatres .
Ian wrote:Who's got a tin? I think Futureshop has one but its only in Canada.
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