I recently purchased this drive and have a couple of problems. I am a relative newbie to the DVD writer scene and I do not know how to flash the firmware on the drive. I have searched many forums but no luck. I have downloaded the flash files from ASUS but there was no instructions?
I have an .EXE file and a Firmware file.
I tried running the EXE with the firmware file i.e. >flash.exe fw12345 the flash EXE runs but then sais something like “Cannot locate target” or something similar. I just tried running them from WinXP start menu, run and dragging the firmware file onto the EXE in file explorer.
How can I get this working? How do I execute the flash file.
I have Daemon Tools running which uses a virtual DVD drive to mount images from the HDD should I uninstall this before attempting to flash? Maybe its getting confused with this virtual DVD drive?
The drive is working but I noticed when I burn a DVD using Nero 6 it takes about 35mins at 4x speed? I am using Princo Media. The resulting DVD works fine but shouldn’t it take about 13-15mins?. The weird thing is Nero sais 13 mins to completion (once the DVD starts writing) then it goes past this by another 20 mins saying -20 mins (negative) upon completion.
Would upgrading the firmware fix this problem with Nero? It appears to be reading/writing the Princo DVD-R media at 2x not 4x??
Has anyone else had these problems?
I've posted on The Firmware Page a couple of days ago but still no reply
Please help.