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Help ! Many questions regarding NU DDW061


Help ! Many questions regarding NU DDW061

Postby Miho Ariga on Thu Jan 01, 2004 11:06 pm

Hi folks,

Just bought the NU DDW061 yesterday. Maybe I am too confident in the wide-spread 8x trick. Without burning any CDR/DVD+R, I simply downloaded the 6xto8x.exe & firmware bx30 and upgrade it. Reboot the machine, I am glad to see that I get the DDW081. But unfortunately, many problem come up ....

(1) I used the bundled MyDVD and Verbatim 4X DVD+R to do a test. Try drop and burn a 3G MPG2 video. Prompted "write error" after burned ~8%.

(2) Try Nero 6.0.x and burn with another Verbatim 4X DVD+R. Nero complaints "Recorder command not supported" and refuse to burn.

(3) Upgraded Nero to 6.3.x, the latest one. Try run CDSpeed. It compaints that "Simulation not supported on this type of media". Check in Nero, the simulation checkbox is also disabled. Oh ! God.

(4) OK, I simply dropped the 3G avi to Nero and select DVD Rom format. Nero said that file size > 2G cannot be supported. Select DVD ROM (UDF) and try again, Nero starts to burn but like MyDVD, prompts error "write error" at ~8 to 10%. Surprise enough, it does not eject the disc but go on. The drive's LED keeps red and green, lasts more than 10 minutes and I need to reboot the machine.

(5) Sigh. Try burn CDR. Before inserting any CDR, Nero displayed 40X CDR burn is supported. Insert a 52X CDR, 40X turns to be 32X immediately.

Anyone can kindly help ? I just want to burn a DVD with no error :(... Thanks a lot.

Miho Ariga
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Postby BoogieBlues on Fri Jan 02, 2004 9:55 am

Wow....That sucks....The DDW-081 is only $139 shipped ....you should have spent the few bucks extra for the 081....Mine kicks butt and I love it...Burning 8x..+R.....4X...+RW..no problems...Bit setting works great too.Have used several programs ..Nero...Sonic DVD...Ulead....and clone DVD...all with no problems...Maybe you can unflash your unit and try original firmware to see how it works...good luck...Big John
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Re: Wow

Postby Miho Ariga on Sat Jan 03, 2004 3:44 pm

BoogieBlues wrote:Wow....That sucks....The DDW-081 is only $139 shipped ....you should have spent the few bucks extra for the 081....Mine kicks butt and I love it...Burning 8x..+R.....4X...+RW..no problems...Bit setting works great too.Have used several programs ..Nero...Sonic DVD...Ulead....and clone DVD...all with no problems...Maybe you can unflash your unit and try original firmware to see how it works...good luck...Big John

Well ... :(

Anyway, just one question. Are you using the latest Nero and is the simulation checkbox enabled or disabled in *DVD* burn ?
Miho Ariga
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Re: Help ! Many questions regarding NU DDW061

Postby thegdog on Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:42 pm

Miho Ariga wrote:But unfortunately, many problem come up ....

On your system, is DMA enabled for the DVD drive? It might be that your system isn't able to pass enough data to the DVD recorder. In Windows, you can check whether DMA is enabled by looking at the IDE drivers in Device Manager.

Miho Ariga wrote:(5) Sigh. Try burn CDR. Before inserting any CDR, Nero displayed 40X CDR burn is supported. Insert a 52X CDR, 40X turns to be 32X immediately.

The drive's firmware has default settings for many types of media, using the MEDIA ID to determine how fast each disc can be written at. It might be that this media you tried has a MEDIA ID that the NuTech firmware has set at 32x instead of 40x. You'd have to try different types of media to see if it is consistent. Maybe ask people here in the forum who have the drive what media they are able to burn at 40x on, then obtain some of that media and see if your drive will burn it at 40x or if drops to 32x.

But first thing I would do is make sure that DMA is enabled for the drive (and your hard drives as well). If its not, then I wouldn't plan on being able to write faster than 2x. Without DMA enabled, your system won't be able to keep up a steady flow of data.

Good luck!
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Postby BoogieBlues on Sun Jan 04, 2004 10:24 am

Hey Niho

Using Nero no simulation is not checked...system is win XP home...Pent4 1.9....512 DDR memory...Like the post before stated please check your DMA enabled....I was having bad problems at first with droped frames trying to get video from camera to PC...when I tried to burn with droped frames on +RW it would mess up.....once I got ultra DMA mode up and going no problems....Also if you are running Win 98...(not WIN 98SE) you will have major problems WIN 98 has no support for digital video...they added some support with WIN 98SE but not a whole lot...I wasted $699 several years ago on a program called Digital Orgin trying to do digital video editing with WIN98 and a cannon GL1 video camera ...never could get it to stop dropping frames..all because I didnt have the SE update and didnt know that was the problem...Also flashed the BX30 firmware yesterday from the NU tech site...Went pefect no problems....There is also a 360 update to make it into a dual writer +R..-R..but some have had problems with it...I will wait till I see it on NU tech's site before I try it...Good Luck...Big John
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