On my 52327S, the Prodiscs will burn at 48x, the CMC at 52x. Neither are great discs, but...
ID strings:
Manufacturer: Prodisc
Code: 97m32s19f
Manufacturer: CMC Magnetics
Code: 97m26s66f
Yet another reason I don't buy Memorex CD's (they're my roommates).
EDIT: Heads up part 2:
Just noticed this. Got a 50 pack of Maxell 48x CD-Rs (Riteks). On the surface of each and every disc, in the exact same spot, is a small pin-hole like mark-two on each disc, actually. They seem to only be on the label-a CD surface scan came back 100% Good. Gee, what great luck I'm having today with CDs...whats next? The 250 TY's I have will now all ID as CMCs?!?