First, must say I'm quite impressed by your place, the info is quite useful and articles are written very professionally yet in pretty clear language (cheers to Ian

Finally I have decided to purchase CDRW of my own and now of course I'm facing that serious problem: Which one ??
My dealer suggested 3 models in price range I can afford and those follow :
Asus CRW-5224A
LG GCE-8523B
Samsung SW-252B
To be used on K6-3-400/256/60 machine for daily (maybe weekly) backup purposes, with CDRW Samsung & Maxell x10 and CDR TDK & LG media...
Important: Low CPU resources (and actually whole system) usage, silent, good reading speed, legacy media reading (say couple yrs ago), reliable, not picky with CDR media.
- I Usually never Write/Rewrite @ high speeds, as it affects burning quality (well, that's what ppl say) so maximum of x24 would be best for me.
- Burning soft is not a problem
- Do not want to mess with firmware upgrades
I have passed over many reviews and specs, for now LG seems to be the best option, however 8Mb buffer of 252B makes me think twice before purchasing. Also ASUS is one of my favorites, with all good things we know about it seems to be slightly out of date plus they don't have long time history with optical storage (as far as I remember)
Although I have performed comprehensive market research your advice would be mostly appreciated.