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Half.com Blu-ray Sale

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Half.com Blu-ray Sale

Postby Ian on Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:13 pm

Half.com has a bunch of Blu-ray movies on sale. Here's are some of the ones listed (taken from blu-ray.com):

The Prestige $10.50 Brand New
American Psycho $8.00 BN
Stir of Echoes $6.50 BN
Harts War $8.50 BN
Ghost Rider $11.00 BN
Hostel 12.94 BN
Spiderman 3 $8.95 BN
The Last Waltz $8.99 BN
Invincible $8.99 BN
The Devils Rejects $8.99 BN
Flight of the Phoenix $8.99 BN
Superman $8.50 BN
Swat $9.25 BN
Species $9.28 BN
Swordfish $8.99 BN
Chain Reaction $8.99 BN
High School Musical $9.39 BN
UltraViolet $9.99 BN
Oceans 13 $9.99 BN
Are We Done Yet $9.80 BN
Daddy Day Camp $9.89 BN
The Messengers $9.95 BN
Blazing Saddles $9.99 BN
The Patriot $9.99 BN

http://movies.products.half.ebay.com/_W ... tZ88QQsoZ1

I might have to pick up a few of these myself.
"Blu-ray is just a bag of hurt." - Steve Jobs
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