Last night I was browsing the web at home, and my windows explorer froze up. The hard drive kept working on something, but I couldn't even access the task manager. ---I had a feeling of deja vu---. Actually, exactly the same thing did happen to me once last week. I had rebooted then, and kept working normally without any further problem. At that time, I thought it was a random freeze--just an infrequent and probably innocuous event. This time I rebooted and began to boot up windows. However, it didn't make it all the way in; only some of the desktop showed up. Fearing something dreadful, but still unsure, I rebooted again, and didn't even make it to the Windows boot up. Had my hard drive failed??! I was angry because I had bought this 80GB Western Digital hard drive only about 1.5 years before! I know I used it quite on the high side of accesses, but this is well inside the warranty.
Just to be sure this was a hardware failure, I booted up with the Windows CDROM and did a repair. Guess what, it found my hard drive directory, and repaired it! Something had messed up my operating system... so I reboot successfully the next time and start to see that there is some other damage to my applications. I begin a virus scan and find some viruses..63 copies. But halfway through it, the virus infestation catches hold of the computer and crashes the cleansing process.
I've avoided viruses for over 5 years, but one got to my pc somehow. Looks like tonight I will be repairing the hard drive and salvaging anything I can. In my next post I will list the blasted virus.
Nefarious viruses make spyware and adware look nice.