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GCE-8520B firmware upgrade?

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GCE-8520B firmware upgrade?

Postby oRBIT2002 on Tue Apr 15, 2003 3:09 am

I am planning of upgrading the firmware of my new LG drive.. However, documents states that the drive has to be placed as secondary master when doing this(?!?!). Are there any good flashing-utilities that doesn't require this since I don't feel like changing the location of my drive. Hints anyone?
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Postby CDRecorder on Tue Apr 15, 2003 3:18 am

You might be able to use MTKFlash or MTKWinFlash if your drive has a MicroTek chipset. Does anyone know what chipset this drive has?
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Postby cfitz on Tue Apr 15, 2003 9:40 am

The LG flasher actually doesn't require that your drive be secondary master, even though the readme.txt says it does. The flasher will check to make sure it matches the right drive, and it will also allow you to pick the location of the drive by ID string or by primary/secondary-master/slave:


(This is the 1.04 firmware flasher for the LG-GCE8520B downloaded from http://www.lgeservice.com/readme(ew)-GCE-8520B.htm)

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Postby oRBIT2002 on Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:52 pm

Worked! Thanks for the tip! : - ) Now I hope they'll release a new firmware that allows proper reading of 99 minutes cd-r's aswell. :p
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Postby cfitz on Tue Apr 15, 2003 5:07 pm

You're welcome.

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Postby JENI on Fri May 02, 2003 7:36 pm

Cfitz you help me out to enable DMA, now I need help to flash my cdw.
First of all is it necessary? and if it is I would need step by step instructions on how to do it.
I Have LG 52x 24x 52x cdw and I have the Lg flasher.

Thank you.
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Postby cfitz on Fri May 02, 2003 10:23 pm

It isn't necessary to flash your drive with the latest firmware. In general I recommend not flashing unless you are experiencing some problem that might be improved by updated firmware. Although not common, problems can occur during a flash upgrade, and such problems are generally not covered under warranty:

LG Readme file wrote:Improper processing of this upgrade will damage the drive. LG Electronics is not responsible or liable for improper installation of this upgrade.

One problem that might make an upgrade worthwhile is bad burn quality on the media available to you (e.g. slower than expected burn speeds, excessive errors, etc.) Another reason to upgrade firmware is if the new firmware adds as a feature such as Mt. Rainier support that your current firmware does not provide.

In this case I think the firmware is a media compatibility update, so I wouldn't bother updating unless you are having trouble getting good quality burns with the media available to you.

If you do decide to update, download the firmware from the above link (assuming you do have the GCE-8520B, which I believe that you do). Unzip the update executable. Make sure there isn't any disc in your burner and that you don't turn off or reboot the computer while upgrading (either deliberately of by an accidental power-outage - a UPS is nice to have while flashing). Start the upgrade by double-clicking the GCE-8520B104(win).exe file. The update should proceed automatically. If it doesn't, select your burner in the "Target Drive" box and click "Upgrade". Make sure you don't pick the wrong drive.

When the upgrade is complete the flasher will display a dialog saying "FIRMWARE UPDATE SUCCESSFUL". Click OK and then reboot.

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Postby dodecahedron on Fri May 02, 2003 11:51 pm

cfitz wrote:If it doesn't, select your burner in the "Target Drive" box and click "Upgrade". Make sure you don't pick the wrong drive.

be sure to carefully select the right drive - your LG CDRW drive, if you choose a wrong drive you might ruin it! :x :o
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Postby JENI on Sat May 03, 2003 10:07 am

Thank you.
I think I am not going to upgrade for this moment. I`m going to try some media first, because I just bought my Cdwr an d have to try it out and if I have any problem I will flash.
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Postby cfitz on Sat May 03, 2003 11:38 am

You are welcome, and that sounds like a good plan.

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Postby jedimc on Mon May 05, 2003 12:13 am

When i bought my LG 8520B i upgraded the firmware about a day later, i must have a problem becuase everything on my computer including hardware and software have been updated, When manafactures release a update it is usually there to to fix a problem or to make thier products better in some way.
8) :D you dont have to updated if you dont want to because it might allready work fine :D
I have a LG GCE-8520B 52/24/52
and Samsung CD-ROM SC-148T
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