TY media has always been known for its excellent quality. So, provided that TY media is on the recommended list for your CD-RW drive, TY media is an *excellent* choice.
I totally agree with you! The part of your argument I took issue with was the bit about Ritek being crap. In my experience this is very wide of the mark.
Also, TY discs are available at retail stores. Maxell CD-R *Pro* and all FujiFilm discs are TY and available at retail stores.
Alas, they're rare here in the UK. The only TY media I have found at anything like a reasonable price is at SVP and they are charging 25p a shot, almost double the price of Ritek and it's unbranded
Everywhere else it's like a pound a shot (1UKP~1.60US$).
There are many other places on the 'net that praise TY media. Furthermore, there is no correlation between dye type and quality--not that you inferred that dye type is an important factor in choosing quality discs. Many people say there is, but there isn't!
Quite. I personally think that, on balance, the quality of phthalocyanine-based discs from Taiwanese manufacturers is higher than the cheap cyanine media but at their best, both cyanine and phthalocyanine are excellent.