by NeilPeart on Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:55 am
I just cleaned out my local Best Buy - I bought 2 100 disc packs (actually 4 50 packs, each packaged as 2) of Fuji media. They were all made in Japan, so I was more than hopeful that they would be TY. I brought 'em home and checked using Nero's old "shift+refresh" trick...TY made! There are literally no more TY Fujis anywhere in the Bay Area; I have checked various CompUSAs, OfficeMax, Office Depots, Staples, Best Buys, Frys, Micro Centers...none of them have Japan-made Fuji discs anymore. I finally found some TY Fujis so I bought them all. Now I have to explain to all my friends NOT to buy Fujis anymore when I specifically told them TO buy Fujis. Oh well, I hope my 200 discs last longer than my last batch.

Drives I Own:
Asus S520/A, Plextor UltraPlex 40TSi, Lite-on XJ-HD166S, Pioneer DVD-106S, Toshiba SD-M1712, Plextor PX-R820Ti, Plextor PX-W1210TS, Plextor Premium, Samsung SM-352B, Teac CD-W540E, Yamaha CRW-F1, Plextor PX-708A, Sony DRU-510A