a) The gain was LESS than US$250,000
b} I owned and lived in the condo for MORE than two years.
I therefore pass the 'ownership test' and 'use test' as per irs.gov
I should therefore not owe any taxes on the sale correct?
The reason I ask is that they use the word "may" >>
"If you have a gain from the sale of your main home, you may be able to exclude up to $250,000 of the gain from your income ($500,000 on a joint return in most cases)."
It specifically states verbatim:
"Do NOT (capitalized by me for emphasis) report the sale of your main home on your tax return unless you have a gain and at least part of it is taxable". Report any taxable gain on Schedule D (Form 1040).
However, they mention using a worksheet; I assume I don't need to use the worksheet, since my case appears to be cut and dry.
2) I bought a home in 2004 (closed on home purchase 6 weeks before closing date of condo sale); is there any tax filing (anything to fill in on return or schedule to fill out) required for the house PURCHASE?
3) I received my 2004 tax information from the bank underwriting my mortgage:
The interest for 2004 is correct.
However, the 'tax paid year to date', in the same '2004 tax info' section, is only about 28% of the annual real estate taxes.
That seems very strange...
I will call the bank tomorrow, but I just thought there might be a logical reasobn why the number appears to be incorrect.
I assume I should simply be able to take the postcard from the atx assessor stating 'taxes billed for 2004' and prorate it for the portion of the year I owned the house (# of days from closing date of purchase until Dec 31 / 366)?
4) I did a 401K rollover/transfer from my old company's plan to my new company's plan.
The taxable amount on the 1099 form I received clearly states taxable amount = $0.
However, I assume it probably needs to be reported somewhere on the tax return or on a separate 'schedule' to be attached to the return.
I couldn't find a match using irs.gov's seach engine and typing "401k rollover".
I will search irs.gov more later tonight, since I haven't looked at the return yet.
If anyone here knows of a good forum where I can ask these questions, assuming irs.gov doesn't turn up any more answers, please let me know...
Thanks a lot!