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Finally got my Pioneer a06!!!I LOVE IT


Finally got my Pioneer a06!!!I LOVE IT

Postby wicked1 on Sat Oct 18, 2003 2:49 am

I just got my new pioneer a06 burner installed.I am now running all 4 burners on an internal firewire 800 controller system.THIS DRIVE IS BY FAR THE BEST DVD BURNER I HAVE EVER USED!!!! You guys just dont understand how happy I am. I loaded the rpc1 1.07 firmware on it(which flashed even though its firewire)and this drive just rocks.I am getting 4.3X burns on HQ media.My plex cant write to it at all and my sony only burns them at 2X. This has got to be the best purchase I have ever made.I feel a tear coming on :o :D :o The disk quality is amazing too. I think I am going to keep the plextor anyway because they want a 15% restocking fee and I do like the fact that I can burn my dvd+R data backups at 8X.Over 90% of the disks that I burn are dvd-r though.I distribute alot of disks to people with older hardware and only dvd-r works EVERYTIME!I am just ecstatic right now.I can buy the el cheapo 4X disks from meritline and still get a good quality burn out of them.
I feel like a little kid at christmas right now :) Thanks guys for recommending the Pioneer.
Pioneer dvr-108,NEC 3540,BenQ 1640,LiteOn 1693S
Intel pentium D 930 oc to 4.2 ghz
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sb audigy 2 zs platnum
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Postby treemana on Sat Oct 18, 2003 3:47 am

I purchased mine about a week ago, and I'm very pleased also. (No tears yet, but I'm happy just the same!) I also updated the firmware to version 1.07. (It was 1.05.) So far, the drive likes everything I've thrown at it. I've tried burning at least one disc of each media type. (+R, -R, +RW, -RW) So far so good!

I'm doubly happy because I had nothing but trouble from my previous drive. (Verbatim Producer). Since the parent company (Cendyne) went out of business, they are not providing any warranty service. (Also, their rebate check bounced!) So, I decided to cut my losses and go with a newer/better drive.

No regrets!
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Postby aviationwiz on Sat Oct 18, 2003 11:20 am

treemana wrote:I'm doubly happy because I had nothing but trouble from my previous drive. (Verbatim Producer).

Wierd, I thought the Producer, I had the 2.4x (Ricoh MP5125) was an awesome drive. It burned fast (at the time) and the write quality was OK, The PX-708A has much higher write quality than it.
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Postby OC-Freak on Sat Oct 18, 2003 3:33 pm

But then again the pioneer have better write quality than the plex, especially for low quality disc brands....

Yeah the pioneer is the best DVD-Writer I've ever used as well, only lacking some backup capabilities of protected discs and a bit low CD-write/read speed.....
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Postby treemana on Sat Oct 18, 2003 4:26 pm

aviationwiz wrote:I thought the Producer, I had the 2.4x (Ricoh MP5125) was an awesome drive.

Mine was NEC ND-1000A/1100A based. It worked fine for a few months, but then couldn't read anything it wrote.

Anyway, I'm happy with my A06 now. It seems to be a much sturdier drive. My Producer (when it was working) didn't like some of the generic media I purchased. The Pioneer likes them just fine!
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