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3 films on 1 DVD-9 Disc splitting for Backup

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3 films on 1 DVD-9 Disc splitting for Backup

Postby aliman on Tue Apr 06, 2004 8:02 pm

I have a number of DVD's which are DVD-9 discs with 3 films on them.

What I wanted to know is rather then compressing this disc to fit on a 4.7GB discs which I am assuming is already been compressed to fit on the DVD-9.

I would like to burn each film on to 3 separate 4.7GB discs which would retain the quality of the film. It would require splitting the 3 films somehow and then burning them individually on to separate discs.

There is 1 menu with film selection, which lead on to the films main menu (subtitles, extras, etc, etc). So I would want the films main menu as well as the film whereas the film selection menu would not be required I guess.

Is this possible? How can it be done? What programs would be required?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Buffer Underrun
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Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 7:59 pm

Splitting your films

Postby Erica on Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:08 am

You can use DvdFab to do this. On rare occasions, with some movies, you may need to use a combination of DvdShrink and DvdFab to accomplish this job. Both programs are very easy to use. DvdShrink is a freeware, and DvdFab gives you a 14-day trial with no limitations. Practice with a DVD RW disc first so you won't have to waste some DVD R discs.
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:20 am

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