I burned pics using nero express to a CD/R. I started by going through smart start. Then, I used nero express to find the folder with the pics. Then I added the 200 pics and clicked finished. I unchecked mulitsession and set it to make 3 copies. After it was finished making all three copies I attempted to open the pictures using photosnap viewer. I recieved the following error.
I am able to see that the pictures are there when I click "open" in photosnap viewer, but it won't let me double click them to open them up in the viewer. It only shows them as photosnap pics with the photosnap viewer icon next to the file name. It won't let me open the folder even though it shows them as being present.
I am able to open them using PhotoSnap. I just can't open them using PhotoSnap Viewer.
I am able to open it using windows explorer and choosing open with Microsoft Office Picture Manager as well as PhotoSnap, but not PhotoSnap Viewer. The error I get is:
Error: The parameter is incorrect
I have my system set to use photosnap viewer when pics are viewed from cd.
I have all the latest updates installed.
Help please,