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Ejected DVD from NEC 1300a still shows up as in drive

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Ejected DVD from NEC 1300a still shows up as in drive

Postby bibbit on Wed Oct 08, 2003 11:57 am

Odd problem: when I eject a movie from my NEC 1300a drive it still shows up as in the drive. I can put another movie in and the drive still says it has the first movie. When using DVD X Copy Xpress it reads the movie, then keeps asking for a blank disk after I put one in because it thinks the original is still in the drive. Any ideas on how to fix this? ___Bibbit
MSI K7N415 Pro with AMD Athlon XP 1900+
1GB Crucial PC2100 DDR (2 x 512MB)
ATI All In Wonder 8500DV 64MB DDR
Maxtor 160GB & 80GB ATA133 Quiet drives
NEC 1300a / Cendyne 48X/12X/48X CDRW
Windows XP Pro SP1
Buffer Underrun
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Joined: Mon Jun 09, 2003 10:21 pm

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