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HD DVD Titles Not Ready For Launch Date

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HD DVD Titles Not Ready For Launch Date

Postby Ian on Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:10 pm

If you're planning on buying one of Toshiba's HD DVD players on the 28th, you might want to wait a few weeks. According to Reuters, there won't be any HD DVD titles available.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060314/tc_ ... hddvd_dc_1

Warner Home Video, the only studio that in January had set a firm date, March 28, for its first high-definition DVD titles to arrive in stores, now says it might not be ready in time because of technical problems.

"To be honest, the outlook is tenuous -- we're still coming out with an initial slate, but we may be a week or two later; we just don't know," division president Ron Sanders said.

I think this sums up the launch of HD DVD pretty well:

On the software front, it is unlikely that even a single HD-DVD title will be available for sale this month at any of the consumer electronics chains and discount retailers that are bringing in the players.
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Postby jberry on Sun Mar 19, 2006 10:23 pm

were these supposed to be REAL HD or just upsamples....Is there anyway to know the difference or is it all just a mess?
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Postby burninfool on Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:46 pm

jberry wrote:were these supposed to be REAL HD or just upsamples....Is there anyway to know the difference or is it all just a mess?

That's one problem with the new format,the public has no idea and I doubt they will say on the package.Joe Sixpack will just see "High Definition" on the package and shell over his money.You're better off saving your money and buy a regular DVD player that upconverts(via DVI/HDMI) and hook it up to a HDTV.Also at ~$30USD per DVD I'm not going to replace my current DVD library.
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