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DVD Menu auto play. What's the best program to do this?


DVD Menu auto play. What's the best program to do this?

Postby cold_fusion on Sun Dec 28, 2003 12:22 pm

My questions are:

1. I want to make a DVD menu in that could load up to a 1000 different setup.exe files inside of different folders from the DVD disc.

2. If possible I want it to be a stand-alone .exe file started by the autorun.inf file.

3. This project would have:

One Form - window
One Menu List - where you select the program you wish to install
One Install Button - Click install after you select program from menu list
One Exit Button - well... you know

By the time I'm done, it should look something like this but better:


a. I mean how to index every item in the menu list with the right setup.exe file found inside different folders in DVD root.

Any suggestions?

PS.: I did not mean 1000 buttons. I did mean a menu list with 1000 items.

Thanx :D :D :D
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Buffer Underrun
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Postby BMR on Sun Dec 28, 2003 12:40 pm

The menu system that you have pointed to in your link is a Visual Basic Interface. If you have any knowledge programming in Visual Basic, then the project that you are trying to make is very easy to do. My Grade 10 students could easily put together this menu and make it work using Visual Basic and they have only elementary programming skills. Thus, If you know Visual Basic well, then this would be just a matter of writting the menu system and then structuring the compiled .exe files in the right order on the dvd and scripting the correct autorun.inf file so that the whole system would work.

Otherwise, if you do not know VB, then it only takes some elementary work for you to get to the level of being able to write this program. Also, you could get another person who knows VB to do it for you.

Other languages such as C++ and Java can do the job as well but are more difficult to program.

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Postby cold_fusion on Sun Dec 28, 2003 4:20 pm

I did post on a Visual Basic forum before and this is what they told me:

It won't work under 9x based systems unless the vbruntimes are allready installed,
for this reason i wouldn't use VB for such purpose

otherwise u could use the Dir function to get the list of executables,
the ShellExecute API to launch the installers and maybe some other API functions to retrieve the filedescriptions etc...

Can you do this for me? Like send me the source code. I suppouse VB would not be a good language as you may notice above.

Thanx for everything so far. :D :D :D
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Buffer Underrun
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