by boden11 on Fri Jan 10, 2003 9:50 pm
Ok, I've found it REAL easy to backup dvd video's that are under 4.7 gigs (single layer) using dvd-decrypter. However, I still am having a pain in the neck trying to figure out how to do a dual layer dvd-9 disc to one (or two dvd-5's). I'm gonna try and first learn how to strip it all down to fit on one disc and then try to do two discs for the bigger movies later on. Basically the part the I get screwed on do you know which vobs contain what? I have ifoedit and vobrator, but like for instance for bulworth i tried ripping out the non-english subtitles and what appeared to be useless stuff and it only shrunk like 300-500 megs off the title. ??? is there some easy way to tell what u can keep and what u can trash if you want JUST the movie and NO menus/extras. (this should give enuff space to fit any dvd-9 to dvd-5 except for the REALLY long dvd's)