by lightningbaron on Mon Dec 30, 2002 12:22 am
Best Buy had a very limited supply in store, I saw one at another Best Buy store a couple of weeks ago, but didn't buy back then. I had to make multiple trips to one Best Buy store and found only 1 unit in stock finally this afternoon. Picked up the DRX-500UL off the shelf, some guy asked me "where did you get the drive?", I pointed "over there, it was the only one and the last one". Feel sorry for the guy, because he called the store and they quoted him that they had a few. Even has been saying "Back Order" for the longest time.
Best Buy sells it for $429.99 (retail price), I took advantage of a 10% off coupon from December 2002 issue of PC World (which expires on Jan-31-2003), which knocked the price down to $387 (before sales tax).