TheWizard wrote:Well, my only guess for picking a 32X CenDyne over a 48X is that the drive inside would be better. For example, CenDyne doesn't only use Lite-On drives for 48X. Maybe you'll get a BenQ or Aopen. I have no idea what they use for 32X, but they may have only packaged 32X Lite-Ons. In that case, I may opt for the 32X if it's more likely that I would get a Lite-On. All the more reason to go for the sure thing if I order online, where I can't see the product code/serial number on the box.
Actually, CenDyne sold the OEM version of the AOpen CRW3248 in their 32x boxes (model number on box is "32X12X48X CD-RW") along with the Lite-On drives. I actually got the AOpen version, but I ended up RMAing the drive, and I requested the Lite-On as a replacement. They did send me the Lite-On drive as a replacement.
If I were to get one of these, I would definitely want to buy locally so I could check the model number.