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"Drive is in use by another application" on Nero 6

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"Drive is in use by another application" on Nero 6

Postby ZePovinho on Sat Jul 26, 2003 3:39 pm

Have this appeared to anyone when trying to burn something with Nero 6?

I have already done a lot, like uninstalling nero 5 , clean installation of nero 6; upgrade from 5 , but it keeps doing the same error, always.

I have tried to uninstall Incd 4 also, but no use. I only have one drive (cd) the Samsung RW 40-12-40, and i'm working only with nero aspi and xp-recording is deactivated, don't know how to solve this one???

Any help ? :(

TIA , ZePovinho

By the way, I can't record or format cdrw's of 700 Mgs with Incd 4 (latest version) , is this a drive problem (or is this normal to be a drive problem)?
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Postby tazdevl on Sat Jul 26, 2003 8:11 pm

Do you have any other burning software installed?

Have you tried to update the ASPI layer?

Might want to give it a try.

Is your drive seen correctly by windows? By Nero?

Whenever I've gotten that message, a problem happened in the burning process and a reboot solved the issue. Something was running the background.
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Postby CCampbell on Sat Jul 26, 2003 11:30 pm

If you go into the Task Manager and kill the IMAPI are you then able to use Nero with the recorder?


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Postby ZePovinho on Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:55 am

Thks tazdevl !! but I have done all of that, don't have another recording software, XP and Nero detects sucessfully the drive (correct one), the onle thing I haven't done is try to update using Force Aspi , since I have tried adapetc aspi, nero aspi, then uninstalled those aspi (with killaspi) , and installed nero one again (don't have system aspi).

CCampbell , yes , I have killed imapi.exe , but the result is the same :( , thks any way.

I'm going to update the aspi layer using Force Aspi, and then report any progress.

Thank You,

ZePovinho :roll:
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Postby ZePovinho on Sun Jul 27, 2003 4:24 am


I made it!
Gone to services and disabled IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service.

It worked ;) :o :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby IcemanK on Tue Jul 29, 2003 12:25 pm

I still get the error.
This is what I have tried:
1. Upgrading Nero 5.5 to
2. Uninstall Nero 5.5, clean registry and hard disk, install Nero
Neither of these work.
I am using Windows XP Pro with a single CD R/RW drive. Nero 6 does recognize it.
I have disabled the IMAPI CD-Burning service. I have made sure I don't have any other utilities like Virtual Clonedrive or Daemon Tools enabled.
I will next verify that I am using the Nero ASPI layer.
Nero 5.5 continues to work fine, as does Clone CD.
I must have uninstalled and reinstalled at least 10 times already.
I'm just about ready to give up. Nero 5.5 seems to work fine for me, so I'm seriously considering whether the headaches Nero 6 is giving me is worth the price of upgrading to Nero 6.
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Postby TCAS on Tue Jul 29, 2003 11:39 pm

Try the following:
1) Uninstall the nero 6 files through Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs.

2) Delete all the nero 6 files references in your Harddrive.

3) Delete in your registry (by regedit) following Ahead related files from:



Reboot your computer then download the three file for Demo from Nero cite, install all three of them, open Nero Burning folder don't click the Demo botton, write your Serial Number in the proper box, click OK. That shouyld do it.

Good Luck
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Postby IcemanK on Thu Jul 31, 2003 10:09 am

Now it works.
I didn't do anything I didn't do 10 times before.
All I did was uninstall and reinstall and now it magically works.
Nothing else changed.
Totally weird.
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Nero Ultra 6 Bug "Drive is in use by another applicatio

Postby PhantomRAM on Sat Aug 02, 2003 4:34 pm

Well I have unistalled/reinstalled (complete including files/registry and associations) close to 30 times and this bug will not go away...

Downloaded latest version from Ahead web site.

I have removed all other CD/DVD burning software (to see if I can find conflict) and reinstalled Nero still no luck.

Using NEC DVD+RW ND-1100A

Other CD/DVD burning software works...Alcohol, etc...

See this bug is being discussed on news groups, no resolution has been posted.
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Postby djmorgan on Sat Aug 02, 2003 7:11 pm

I had sasme error and found it was caused by cyber's PowerProducer 2 once removed it worked okay :lol:
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"Drive is in use by another application" on Nero 6

Postby PhantomRAM on Sun Aug 03, 2003 4:30 pm

Nero v6.0011 didn't fix the problem.

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Postby Kpax on Thu Aug 07, 2003 3:23 am

I have a Sony crx210e1 with firmwarw 6SOF. I am using Nero 6 and I have no problem.Everything works very fine.
Maybe because when I upgrade to Nero 6 the firmware of my Cdrw was 2ys2.Then I change to 6SOF, because I use InCD and I want the 24X rewrite speed...
My advice is to go back to original firmware, install Nero 6 and then flash the 6SOF firmware..
Sorry for my english
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"Drive is in use by another application" on Nero 6

Postby PhantomRAM on Thu Aug 07, 2003 5:36 pm

Just an FYI, I have gone back to Nero 5, works fine. I'll try each version of Nero 6 (demo version) as it is released, but this is definetly a bug...
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